viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

Here Comes The Summer!

Hello teacher and classmates.  In this post I’m going to write about my plans for this Summer. Really, I don't know that I will do, becouse this year I didn't put together money, so I put together money for my new guitar and now I don't have money for my vacation with my friends.
I think, I will go to Viña del Mar with my friends and I will go to Tongoy with my family. I will go to Viña del Mar with my friends in january, becouse always, in february I go to Tongoy with my family and I like stay all february in Tongoy with my family and my tongoy friend's.
I would like go to Viña del Mar with my 6 best friends, the same that I went to Bolivia and Perú  the last summer. They are very sympathetics and I know them since when I was in the school, kinder garden.
But, also I will go to Tongoy, my favorite place. This summer I think I will go with my family, and the family of my friend, Felipe. Always I go to Tongoy with them and I enjoy so much when I stay with them.
I hope that you can have a good vacation !


viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

A Game You Played As A Child

Hello teacher and classmates.  In this post I’m going to write about a game I played as when I was a child...  Really, I don't remember the specify game that I was played, but I'm going to write the game that I played with my grandmother when I was a child. I don't remember my age. but I think I was 8 years old, maybe 9 or 10 . I went to Algarrobo with my family and my grandparents, and every night we played a game, it name was "CASINO". "Casino" is a cards game. Always when I talk about to "Casino" with anybody person, this person tell me that this game not exist. I'm sure that my grandmother invented that game only keep entertained us. But, this game was very entertained. I enjoyed so much played with my grandmother, becouse She always let me win and this it seemed me well. Sometimes We played "KARIOKA", but I did not liked becouse the  adult of home, always win, and my sister and me never win ahahahahahaha. The last time I played "casino" was the week of earthquake, but this time, when We played "casino" or "karioka" with my family and my grandparents, we play seriously becouse, now with my sister we are adults and We bet eat, like a hamburguer of the typical fast food place in Algarrobo. 3 years ago I have not played "casino" or "karioka", and now I writting this post I want to play with my family and my grandparents. So, when my grandparents go to my house I will invite play "casino" :D
Bye !!

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

A Job I Would Like to Have

Hello teacher and classmates! In this post I’m going to write about a job I Would like to have. In the future, I would have in my house a rehearsal room and recording full equipped for musicians. I like this job because lately I've been to rehearse with my band to a very large test room, and I see that the owner is doing very well, and only dedicated to his band and rehearsal. I think I need different qualities for do this job well, for example:
I need a good musical ear, because the musicians need to equalize music equipment for that the sound is good and is no coupling.
I need money, because the equipments of sound are very expensive, and I need  to know how to install stereos and how to use them.
I think I would be good at this job because I love the music and I would be very happy listening all days music of other bands of different music styles.
Francisco, the owner of the rehearsal room to the music is my inspiration for do this job, because I see his rehearsal room, that He built with so much effort and inspires me to do the similar job. He is very happy with his job, his family supports his job. He can financially support his family, and this is very important for me, because I want to have a big family, I would like to have many children, and for this I need money, regrettably
Bye !!

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

A Walk You Would Like to Do Again

Hello Teacher and Classmates !
In this post I’m going to talk about a walk I would like to do again.
This summer I gone to Tongoy with my family and my friend, Felipe.  One day We went to Playa Blanca from my house walked, We went with ours friends of Tongoy, We are 10 person , and We went for day. The route go on 2 hours. We taken eat for day, and water. I enjoyed this becouse I went with my friends and We laught so much !. When we arrived to Playa Blanca we played volleyball with my friends and volleyclub of Playa Blanca Resort, and we winning becouse two of my friends are select of Chile in volleyball ahahaahah.
I would like to do it again becouse I want to go with my sister and my friends, She never gone to Playa Blanca and I want that know her. And I loved to beach and sun, I enjoyed so much stay with my friends in the beach. But the next time I had to taken the sun block becouse the last time I not had sun block and my skin was very irritate and red. And I think I had taken more eat becouse I had so much hungry and I taken only 2 bread with meat for all day. And this time I will take my guitar for the leisure momento, when I don’t want to take the sun and swim in the ocean.
Bye !

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

My day

Hello Teacher and Classmates !

Today I write a free post in my blog ! I don't know that write, so I'm going to talk to I will do today.

At 12:00 o'clock, I have a paper due to Geography Social and this is not ready yet.

At 13:30 I'm going to lunch and I want to  eat something nice, because I need to be satisfied, I'm not eat for the rest of day to night.

At 15:00 I'm goint to class of urban ecology, my favorite class. The teacher is very simpatic and I'm enjoy every class. In this class We are going to talk about urban hidrology and I want to learn about this.

Now, I'm going to talk to the best part of my day: At 17:00 I leave class and I go to drink beer with my friends in "EL HUERTO"  the best place in FAU. I think I drink beer a little while and I'm going to play soccer with CHICHAS TERRY, the best soccer club in FAU, and later I'm going to see play to CHICO TERRY !! My favorite F.C. in FAU ! I'm fans number one of CHICO TERRY ahahaahah. For two club, is the final and I'm sure that both club will are the champions.

Finally, in the night I'm going to the house of my friend and we will celebrate the birthday of my friend. I think I'm going to see the people that I have not seen in a long time for different reason, but I want to see today, for know how are they.
Bye !

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Future

Hello teacher and classmates ! In this post I’m going to talk about to My Future.  Always I think, what I’ll be in the future? I will be geographer ? or musician, like I’ll like be. I think that I will be guitarist, and I'll work in this. I study geography but I think that is the financial cushion for my future, if I need this. But, I think I would be guitarist and live for this. In present I do class for 2 child and this do very happy me.
I would like be with my family, my friends and, maybe, with my husband and my son. With this person I will be happy. But I would like most, is that my son love the music like me.
I would like achieve so much things, like traveling with my dear people in the world, live of the music and I will be happy!!
I would like do changes in the world, specially for the arts and music in Chile. I think that in Chile don’t have importat the music and arts, but is very important because is very well for your health and your soul.  I would like be teacher for the children and for my son, like my father, He  teach me play the guitar and I would like his, teacher to my son. I’ll can change the perception in the society to the musician, and show for the society that you can be musician and live calmly with out worry for the money.

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

27 F

Hello !! In this post I talk about of the earthquake in Chile "27F"
I was in Algarrobo, I first I was sleeping in my bed because I was out with my sister to the beach. When start the earthquake I was with my sister, but fastly  came my mom,  who was in the next room, along with my dad. And in the other room, was my grandparents.  My mother quickly opened the door of my room and ran to helpful to my grandparents. I ran, with my sister to the principal door of the house and We waiting to finish the earthquake. I was very calm, but my sister was very nervous !! and she started to pray ahaha. My grandparents was very nervous but my mother and my father calm them. When finished the earthquake We was worried becouse the ocean was very near and we go to into the house and pick up the clothes and quickly we gone to the altitude mountain. My mother was good, but my father was very worried for my grandmother that was in Santiago, alone, and your house is very old, he thought that house her could fall.
Finaly, there was a tsunami is only in the south, and in Algarrobo was very calm. The next day We gone to Santiago for see to my grandmother. When we arrived to house of my grandmother my father was very nervous but my grandmother was very good, but very nervous for my family.
When we gone to my house, was very good, but the lamp of the livingroom was in the floor. The most important was that we was very good and together.
Later I called to my friends and all was very good, and in the afternoon they gone to visit me.