viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Future

Hello teacher and classmates ! In this post I’m going to talk about to My Future.  Always I think, what I’ll be in the future? I will be geographer ? or musician, like I’ll like be. I think that I will be guitarist, and I'll work in this. I study geography but I think that is the financial cushion for my future, if I need this. But, I think I would be guitarist and live for this. In present I do class for 2 child and this do very happy me.
I would like be with my family, my friends and, maybe, with my husband and my son. With this person I will be happy. But I would like most, is that my son love the music like me.
I would like achieve so much things, like traveling with my dear people in the world, live of the music and I will be happy!!
I would like do changes in the world, specially for the arts and music in Chile. I think that in Chile don’t have importat the music and arts, but is very important because is very well for your health and your soul.  I would like be teacher for the children and for my son, like my father, He  teach me play the guitar and I would like his, teacher to my son. I’ll can change the perception in the society to the musician, and show for the society that you can be musician and live calmly with out worry for the money.

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