sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013


Hello classmates and teacher!
In this post I will talk about my mascosta (the most beautiful in the world ahahah )
She is Dulcinea , is a Cocker Spaniel dog and their colors are brown with white.
Dulcinea came to my house one Christmas when I was 9 years old , my aunt gave me Loreto. Now she is 12 years old. Dulci or RutiLuchi (I'm the only one in my family that invents nicknames Dulcinea , my family tell me I'm crazy ) , is very playful , always looking for someone to play with and if anyone wants to play with her, begins to bite cords shoes ahahah . Dulcinea hates cats and birds , but much more to cats. When you yell " AH CAT ! " Dulcinea out desperate to bark. Dulcinea is very dear to my family and friends.
Whenever I am at home (usually I'm in college ) give food and when needed the bathroom , this is very complicated because it is so crazy . Every day her out for a walk with a dog leash because it's so crazy and always wants to run around and that is dangerous for her, because the cars can run over.

Bye !
In this photo Dulcinea is fun, and with a red eye from the flash

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