lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

My oral presentation

                                                         This picture is of the  Titicaca's lake  in Copacabana, in this place I knew to Gonzalo and Julia.

In my presentation I will talk about Geotourism. Geotourism is a new concept generating increasing interest around the world.
The first institution that defined Geotourismo is National Geographic :
"A turism that sustains or enhances the character geographic place and its enviroment, heritage, aesthetics, culture and welfare of its inhabitants" .Geotourism is search the welfare of the local inhabitants.
What's is the role of the Geographers?
Geographers have teach to the local inhabitants about your enviroment, must ensure that appeals to tourist and for them, for example the geographer can teach about what is the important of the forests for the inhabitants and to the world, ecological , a historic street or just a beautiful landscape and your dengerous.
The Geographers should worry the integrity of the place: Enhance geographical character by developing and distinctly improving the localities, reflecting its nature and cultural heritage,and encourage market differentiation and cultural heritage.
When the Geographers do their work, so, the local inhabitants learn about their place, when they feel that they know everything their place ( culture, nature, the history of place, a better way to use energy or the ecological energy, etc.) is hour   of the turism for the people that want to visit place and they can enjoy of the nature.
The Geographers should plan where there should be high density resorts and where not, because sometimes this high density resorts can a negative impact on the enviroment.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Sofía,

    Word Count: 243. It was 300 words...It is a nice topic, I believe it will be interesting for your audience. The word in English is "Geotourism". You could have looked at in on the net.You need to prepare your writing A LOT, please.

    Check these obs and correct them:

    ... I will talk about (of) Geotourism...
    ... a new concept (is) generating...

    "A (turism) that sustains ...

    (Geoturismo) is (search) the welfare of the local inhabitants.
    What's is the role of (the geographer) GEOGRAPHERS?

    ...geographerS have TO teach ... about (your) enviroment,

    geographerS can teach about what('s) is the (important) (in)OF (the) forestS for the inhabitants and (of) (FOR?) the world,

    ...or just a BEAUTIFUL landscape (beautiful),
    ...the dengerous (?)

    ...(The) geographerS (have) should worry (of) the integrity of THE place: differentiation and (heritag cultural)(CULTURAL HERITAGE?).

    When (the) GeographerS do (your) THEIR work, so, the local inhabitants learn about THEIR your place, when they feel(s) that THEY know(s) everything (of) THEIR (your) place

    (is hour) of (the the) (turism) for the people that want TO visit (to this) place..

    (the) GeographerS should plan where THERE should be

    ...(becouse)BECAUSE sometimes this high density resorts can (do) A negative impact (of) ON the enviroment.


