viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

Here Comes The Summer!

Hello teacher and classmates.  In this post I’m going to write about my plans for this Summer. Really, I don't know that I will do, becouse this year I didn't put together money, so I put together money for my new guitar and now I don't have money for my vacation with my friends.
I think, I will go to Viña del Mar with my friends and I will go to Tongoy with my family. I will go to Viña del Mar with my friends in january, becouse always, in february I go to Tongoy with my family and I like stay all february in Tongoy with my family and my tongoy friend's.
I would like go to Viña del Mar with my 6 best friends, the same that I went to Bolivia and Perú  the last summer. They are very sympathetics and I know them since when I was in the school, kinder garden.
But, also I will go to Tongoy, my favorite place. This summer I think I will go with my family, and the family of my friend, Felipe. Always I go to Tongoy with them and I enjoy so much when I stay with them.
I hope that you can have a good vacation !


viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

A Game You Played As A Child

Hello teacher and classmates.  In this post I’m going to write about a game I played as when I was a child...  Really, I don't remember the specify game that I was played, but I'm going to write the game that I played with my grandmother when I was a child. I don't remember my age. but I think I was 8 years old, maybe 9 or 10 . I went to Algarrobo with my family and my grandparents, and every night we played a game, it name was "CASINO". "Casino" is a cards game. Always when I talk about to "Casino" with anybody person, this person tell me that this game not exist. I'm sure that my grandmother invented that game only keep entertained us. But, this game was very entertained. I enjoyed so much played with my grandmother, becouse She always let me win and this it seemed me well. Sometimes We played "KARIOKA", but I did not liked becouse the  adult of home, always win, and my sister and me never win ahahahahahaha. The last time I played "casino" was the week of earthquake, but this time, when We played "casino" or "karioka" with my family and my grandparents, we play seriously becouse, now with my sister we are adults and We bet eat, like a hamburguer of the typical fast food place in Algarrobo. 3 years ago I have not played "casino" or "karioka", and now I writting this post I want to play with my family and my grandparents. So, when my grandparents go to my house I will invite play "casino" :D
Bye !!