martes, 18 de junio de 2013

My experience at school

To start with, I was always in the same school, its name was "Patrona Señora de Lourdes", it was very close to my house, like a 10 minute walk or 5 minutes by bike, in the commune of La Florida. The trouble is that as was it very near my house, I fell behind and I was fined with: being 45 minutes in a room alone waiting the second block of classes :(
All my classmates were my friends since Kindergarten, and we're still friends. At school I passed very well. I had two very funny friends Naty and Clau. We always laughed and did not do anything in class hahaha. Once we were walking down the stairs at school and I started down very fast, I fell and was like a starfish on the floor, it was very funny but painful, everyone was laughing at me.
My favorite subject was music. I never missed a class and I took it very seriously.
The last days of school were very difficult. We were all very sad because we had to leave the place we met every day. The last day of school we met in a lounge with blindfolded and our parents took us out to ride a train around my school, all cried and we hugged. But then came the best, the farewell party! I had fun, danced and shared with our friends and parents.
Now we meet almost every weekend, so I have not lost touch with anyone.
Undoubtedly the best phase of my life was spent in the school, along with my best friends, and my teachers. Every day I thank my parents for choosing this school, because they influenced my education, my personality, and values ​​that I keep my way of living life.