lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

Being a 20 - year old woman in Chile

What advantages and disadvantages of being a 20 years old woman in Chile ? When I was 17, I wanted to go to every party, especially clubs.My friends could because they had adults faces, and I wasn't that lucky , I looked like a girl of 10 years of age and it was a disgrace!. But now, I am a woman of 20 years and I am BIG! And now nobody asks for my idendity card me to verify my age.
If you think that is only one advantage, you are wrong !!
When you're 20 years old in Chile everything is beautiful You can travel out of Chile without legal permission of your parents.
You can vote in presidential election, or any legal elections. This year is my first time I'll vote in a presidential elections, this is very important for me because I believe Chile can change, maybe not for my vote, but there many people my age with this thought; and we can do it.
Another advantage is that when you go out with your friends in the night, you can return to your house whenever you want, but always obeying to your parents rules, because for it is very important to sleep.
But being a woman of 20 years has disadvantages too:
Adults usually prey on our youth, sometimes I am really tired in the subway, after a tiring day of University, everything is perfect when I find an empty seat, but not all is bliss, when an adult sees you sitting, no matter how tired you come or if something happened to you, they treat you badly once, demanding that the seat.

If you are a woman you should be careful to walk alone at night, because there are bad men who might assault or rape you, it’s very bad.